Thursday, January 29, 2015

Being a People Person

There are a couple of people that you might know that just fit easily into social situations. Those people who seem to make friends everywhere and always seem to have fun even if they aren't drinking. So here is my breakdown of being socially comfortable and having confident exchanges.

1) Try to keep the conversation about the other person.

The one thing I've learned is that people love talking about themselves. Stay interested by asking more questions, referring certain instances to your own personal experience but keep the focus on them. We typically think that our lives are long tv episodes starring us. When you make your guest stars or your reoccurring characters the main event your story line becomes that more dynamic. It's more fun when you share the spotlight.

2) Be honest.

People know when you are lying. Once hung out with this guy who over exaggerated every story he told. I knew the stories had some truth but everything we was a big pile of BS! When you aren't honest it leads people to think, "What else are they lying about?" Don't be that guy. Keep it honest. Be genuine in every compliment. People will respect and trust you more.

3) Put your gosh darn phone down.


4) Stop judging.

The best thing I have ever done was stop judging people and start being more empathic. Truly, madly, deeply understanding things as much as you humanly can from their mindset. Some of the best conversations derived from allowing people to speak freely in a non-judgemenal environment are just...great. It's this extrication of stress and emotion. For you, for the other person. Bonds made over secrets, personal stories and deep emotions are hard to break.

5) High Energy

Keep it upbeat. You don't have to be loud. You don't even have to have the best posture. Be lively. Be in the conversation. Don't just possibly listen. Don't just stand there with your arms crossed. Smile. Nod. Respond.

6) Remeber their name. Be unforgettable.

Very few people really listen. Make it personal and remember their name. Be confident, have a firm handshake and smile when you say goodbye. "It was nice talking to you (insert name of person here)."

IT'S REALLY NOT HARD! Have great conversations with strangers or acquintences. It makes the world a less boring place.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Late Night Affirmations

I will be kind but won't let others abuse me. I will trust but not be deceived. I am content but I will never stop improving myself. I was given this life because I am strong enough to live it. I cannot change how people treat me or what they say about me. All I can do is change the way I react to it.

Friday, January 16, 2015

WTH AMERICA?!: Annoyed by Rape Conception Laws

Right now in the United States of America there are only TWENTY-FIVE states that have laws that protect women who have been raped, conceived a child from that rape, decided to give birth, are able to receive governmental support and prevent the rapist from having  any parental right.  ONLY TWENTY-FIVE.

It shouldn't matter if you are pro-choice or if you are not.  There are women who WILL NOT or CANNOT receive assistance from the government to help raise their child because if they do...the state has to go through the rapist who then has the right to demand visitation rights.  If she decides to give the child up for adoption she still has the fear of being stopped by the biological father.  Their are males out there who will use custody as a threat to prevent women from pressing criminal charges.  Only TWENTY-FIVE states protect women from dealing with their rapist after a child is born.  That.  That bothers me.

To read more on this topic visit the links below: