Friday, January 16, 2015

WTH AMERICA?!: Annoyed by Rape Conception Laws

Right now in the United States of America there are only TWENTY-FIVE states that have laws that protect women who have been raped, conceived a child from that rape, decided to give birth, are able to receive governmental support and prevent the rapist from having  any parental right.  ONLY TWENTY-FIVE.

It shouldn't matter if you are pro-choice or if you are not.  There are women who WILL NOT or CANNOT receive assistance from the government to help raise their child because if they do...the state has to go through the rapist who then has the right to demand visitation rights.  If she decides to give the child up for adoption she still has the fear of being stopped by the biological father.  Their are males out there who will use custody as a threat to prevent women from pressing criminal charges.  Only TWENTY-FIVE states protect women from dealing with their rapist after a child is born.  That.  That bothers me.

To read more on this topic visit the links below:

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