Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Beginning

"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day." Genesis 1:31
The last verse, of the first chapter, of the first book in the Bible.  Think of this when you are feeling down, when you are feeling up...think of this always.  God created the heavens and earth. He created the broad mountains, the vast sea, the endless sky...and stopped and decided that this world needed you.  You were made in His image.  You were given the right to rule over this wild world as a child of God.  God saw you and said you were good.  You have always been complete and whole.  You are enough.  So straighten your crown and go rule your world. 
Heavenly Father,
When you made me you saw that I was good; That I was complete; That I could have everything I ever needed and wanted; That all I ever needed to do was go out and get it.  Please, grant me the confidence and the knowledge that I AM YOURS and with You I can accomplish everything.  Amen.

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