Sunday, February 22, 2015

It Frustrates Me

It frustrates me when people don't talk about an issue normally with me. It actually pisses me off more when people don't want to discuss what is wrong and just dismisses the conversation by saying, "Just stop. End of conversation." No. Not resolving something that can we talked over quickly is stupid. Quite honestly, I'd rather talk really briefly say something's that are a bit rude and offensive and be over it in a few minutes than not talk about it and be angry for the whole day over some stupid grudge. You remember when people said, "Never go to bed angry." Forget that. Go to bed angry is better than staying up until 5:30am arguing BUT never actually arguing...that's even worse. Holding in anger, holding in a grudge--it makes for an angry person. I don't like being angry. It's not the kind of person I am. Passionate, enthusiastic and loud--yes. Don't be angry. Talk. That's all I'm asking for.

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