Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chase & Release

A lot of people chase after who they want in their life. "You see what you want, you go after it" type of mentality. I guess what I wanted to blog about was letting go of the chase. 

Chasing is fun when it is a game. I run, you catch and release. I tag you, you tag me. My favorite line about chasing comes from My Best Friend's Wedding with Julia Roberts where she is chasing after the guy and her gay bestie is on the phone with her. "You're chasing him, he's chasing her but who is chasing you?" So, who is chasing you?

Most of us have chased after people that didn't chase us back. We think we are playing a two person game but in reality we are up against the CP. CP in this case being the "crazy person" in our head. We make up stories and outcomes of what we think might happen if we just do this or just say that. We make excuses for those people we chase when they don't chase us back. Stop making excuses. Realize that you aren't being chased anymore. Move. On. Find someone who is willing to chase you.

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