Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Me vs. Jealous Girls

I always love seeing girls be crazy jealous. I've never been the type to care. Guys are just going to look at other girls. I mean, how can you not see things when they are right there in your line of vision? If he is checking her out, you best know that I'm checking her out too because I appreciate great makeup and great fashion taste. Plus, I always like to know, for sure, that I'm prettier than certain people (lol. Vain much?). Read this carefully, the man that I'm out with WILL NOT be leaving with anyone but me and if he does...he isn't worth any more of my time (Unless of course he is just my friend. In that case, I would be pushing him out he door with that girl). Can't women just be nice to other sexy women? Do you really think that low of yourself? Is it really that chick's fault that you don't look good? Is it really my fault if I look better (Tee hee)?

I love seeing girls act the complete opposite. I've been given dirty looks. I've been called names. I've been shoved. Hahaha. Why? I've never purposefully flirted with a man that has a girlfriend. Ok, I've maybe batted my eyelashes buuut it is just out of habit. I'm seriously just that nice to people. What? Because he is your man I can't be nice? Jut because he is with you, I can't say hi? What if he's my friend? I can't say hello? OH PLEASE! Move aside and let the adults talk because darling, you are such a child.

Seriously ladies, I'm not trying to "take your man" and I'm no "home-wrecker" because you'd have to be married for me to actually wreck your home. If I'm trying to take your man, you wouldn't even see it coming. Which, unfortunately, is probably why you are so suspicious in the first place but maybe you should be dating someone more your speed. JUUUUST saying!

Hya's back. And I'm only becoming more amazing. ;)

That is all.

Class. Sass. Truth.

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