Sunday, March 30, 2014

My whole life...

My whole life has been a compilation of thoughts and ideals molded by the ones I have let into my life and the educational system I have become a part of. My life as been an active learning journey of scrapes and bruises and deep cuts. I have fallen and gotten back up. I have been hit and kept moving forward. I've taken blows that were so low and dirty by people that I've loved so deeply. Unfortunately I have also been the person who has hurt other people. I have thought I was right when I was wrong but I have learned. I have learned. I have the ability to learn more and I will continue to learn more because if I stop learning, there is no growth and when we stop growing, then Darwinism kicks in. I have built myself up, knocked myself down and built myself up again. And every single time I have learned. And I have enjoyed this life and I have enjoyed learning. I have enjoyed the people that I let into my life and the people who had the strength to stay in it. I'm in love with my life and what it has become and what it will. I'm in love with my life because I have loved so many things and I'm not afraid to love. <3

Friday, March 14, 2014

About Me

Here is a list of things you might or might not know about me.

1) I get really excited about random things.
2) I get really loud when I'm excited.
3) I'm really loud in general.
4) If I'm quite, there probably isn't anything wrong.
5) If I'm quite, there is still a possibility something is wrong.
6) If I'm quite, I'm probably sleepy.
7) I droll when I sleep.
8) I sometimes snore.
9) I've never ever been in a relationship...ever.
10) On my mother's side of the family I have 19 older cousins and several "nieces" and "nephew's" that seem to keep popping out.
11) On my father's side of the family I have 16 cousins.
12) I have a HUGE family.
13) My favorite color is blue.
14) My nicknames are "Hya" & "Higgy" but I will also respond to "Karate Chop" & "Asian Barbie"
15) I was born in Merced, Ca
16) I can milk a cow.
17) I like to act.
18) God saved me.
19) I love the beach.
20) I'm scared of the future.
21) I know a lot of nothing.
22) I really want to have my palms read.
23) I like massages.
24) I like to scratch backs and heads.
25) I believe in hand-ups but rarely hand-outs.
26) I'm a semi-secretive nerd.
27) I'm a pretty good lie detector.
28) I consider myself emotionally intelligent.
29) I'd be an awesome person to be in a relationship with but alas...I am pretty sure I'm cursed.

Friday, March 7, 2014

5 Reasons for a Bodybuilder to Date a Pageant Girl & 10+ ReasonsWhy Regular Guys/Nerds Are Better

Body Builder:
1) We can get spray tans together
2) We can practice our walk & poses together
3) We can train & eat right together
4) We'd be a great looking couple
5) We could attend each other's events

Why Regular Guys Are More Fun:
1) We can eat the unhealthiest thing possible if I don't get a crown.
2) Instead of waking up at the crack of dawn to workout, we can stay in a snuggle.
3) Salt. Butter. Any processed amazingness.
4) He will have an actual job that isn't "Fitness Model" ...on Instagram. 
5) He would skip the gym to stay home and watch Netflix with me.
6) He can still go running with me but doesn't pressure me to workout.
7) We'd still be a great looking couple.
8) He will not compare his build to "bigger" guys.
9) There is a better chance that he likes the same geeky/nerdy movies that I do.
10) Vacation time is vacation time. Not working out is fine with him.
11) Theme park food is the best food and the fatter we get the happier we are. We'll worry about it later.
12) Fair food. We'll worry about it later.
13) I know he likes me for my dorky personality and not just my pretty face.
14) He is probably as big as a nerd as I am. Probably more of a nerd...
15) They want to travel to places other than Vegas.
16) He will know how to cook my favorite lasagna and be nice enough to cook it for me when I'm sick or upset (or at least buy the huge Stoffer's version and share half with me).

Monday, March 3, 2014

Not That Long Ago...

Not that long ago I learned some very valuable lessons.

1.) Invest your time in things you want to be doing. If you aren't happy, change it.

2.) If you don't feel like a priority, if you don't feel wanted...leave.

3.) There is time. You just have to figure out what is important and do that first. Everything else will just fall into place.

The best lessons come from the worst memories.