Monday, April 28, 2014


Let. Go.

They've all moved on and you do too.  You need to stop being a little brat about this whole entire thing and you need to just live your life the way you want.  You need too honey.  I mean, it isn't just your fault that things didn't work out.  It's not.  It just wasn't meant to be.  All those guys just were not meant to stayin your life.  You've learned lessons from them right?  Cool.  Now you just need to reverse out of the parking lot of "Boys from Hya's Past" and you need to drive your butt to "Men of Hya's Future" because you have evolved from all of that right?

Step One: No saying their names
Just don't do it anymore.  Just no.  They don't love you.  They might have been close at some point in their time with you.  They might even regret things they could have done with you but Hya, They. Don't. Care. Anymore.  They are not your boy anymore.  They are not even your friend.

Step Two: Detox
Girl, you have already started the beginning stages of you detox.  You--my friend--have a few more things you need to get rid of before becoming 100% rid of all things that are bad for you.  Remember when you had to do this for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?  Yeah, we're back to that baby girl  You haven to delete. Delete. Delete.  They are no longer part of your future until such time that they come back willingly and on their own terms.  You DO. NOT. Get to be the person that walks in on their life again.  You know that you are so notorious for doing that.  Things will be going just peachy for them and you have to come along and mess things up for them again.  No.  You do not get to do that.  You are bad.  You are just bad for them.  They are bad for you.  You try to add them again and bad things will just happen.  Really bad things.  NO.

Step Three:
Hya--Come on.  Who are you?  You are Hya.  You are confident.  You are gorgeous.  Your best mile time was under 7 minutes.  Hya.  Come. On.  What happened to that chick who was just so gosh darn VIBRANT and just WOW?  Because quite honestly I miss that chick.  She was super cool  The best part about her was that she didn't need a man.  No.  She was perfectly ok with being single.  Not only was she ok with it but some might even say that she preferred it.  She held her own ground.

Step Four:
No.  Really.  Let. It. Go.  You've written and deleted so many posts about this one person in particular.  You've dated other people since this person and yet here you are still pissed that you messed things up.  Guess what.  Things happen. They just do.  We all make mistakes.  We all have people in our past.  It is hard but we get passed it.

Step Five:
You will find someone.  If you honestly believe that you wont find someone.  This is you reminding YOU that just got hit on by SEVERAL men today.  Just today.  You are gorgeous and a catch.  You were taking photos outside of the restaurant and they literally stopped in their tracks for you.  You were walking back to your car today and you were stopped TWICE.  You were asked the time by some random man who just wanted to know your name.  You.  Are.  A.  Catch.  Any man who dares to tell you anything different is a pain that you don't need and by removing them from your life you just created one less problem in you life.  Because let's be real girl  YOU HAVE PROBLEMS coming from left and right.  You don't need another one.

Step Six:
When you see them again/If you see them again... Just be you.  And if they happen to fall for you now...Well, you better make DAMN SURE that they are worthy of you.  I don't care how much you missed them.  I don't care how much they beg to have you back.  If they are not worthy to have you back you BEST have some amazing reason as why they are back in your life.

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