Monday, February 24, 2014

Five Years From Now...

I'm 22. In five years I will be 27. The question I am asking myself is, "Who are you five years from now?"

Five years from now my answer will be:
I'm Hyacinth. I'm 27. I'm an event quardinator for a corporate law firm and do work with several non-profits. I'm a graduate of Chapman University. I have a degree in Business Management and Marketing. I live in an apartment in LA. I have a dog named Theodore Bear but I can call him Teddy. I tend to make $90,000-$110,000 annually. I plan on buying a buisness soon. If I could go back five years from now, I'd tell myself to keep pushing forward because you are doing just what you need to be doing.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chase & Release

A lot of people chase after who they want in their life. "You see what you want, you go after it" type of mentality. I guess what I wanted to blog about was letting go of the chase. 

Chasing is fun when it is a game. I run, you catch and release. I tag you, you tag me. My favorite line about chasing comes from My Best Friend's Wedding with Julia Roberts where she is chasing after the guy and her gay bestie is on the phone with her. "You're chasing him, he's chasing her but who is chasing you?" So, who is chasing you?

Most of us have chased after people that didn't chase us back. We think we are playing a two person game but in reality we are up against the CP. CP in this case being the "crazy person" in our head. We make up stories and outcomes of what we think might happen if we just do this or just say that. We make excuses for those people we chase when they don't chase us back. Stop making excuses. Realize that you aren't being chased anymore. Move. On. Find someone who is willing to chase you.

Beauty Fades

Now, I'm going to be completely honest on this blog and the stuff I type might seem harsh or hopefully to the people that are like-minded (aka AWESOME) will understand where I'm coming from.

Beauty, that fit body, that nice behind...yeah, I don't care how fit you are going to be when you are older but what that person has will sag and it wrinkle and it will NEVER. EVER. stay as amazingly "hot" as it looks now. Okay? No? Let me tell you why.

If you ever plan on having a child naturally the body does some amazing and mean, evil buuut beautiful things. Some ladys will earn tiger stripes (aka stretch marks) and guess what, those don't go away ladies and gentlemen. They actually stay with you for the rest of your life. I mean, they fade but it's still there. That amazing tight tummy? Yeah, some women can't actually get that back unless they have sugery because their abdominals were so stretched during pregnancy that they seperated and need to be sugerically sewn back together. Oh and DON'T let me forget to tell you about the funny looking hound face ALL women will have right after pregnancy. Yeah, all that space the baby took up takes a while to shrink back. A. While. It looks like a saggy hound face. It's weird. But women go through it. 

Now, I'm only 22 and I've never been pregnant. I know this for sure. We all get old. Years of volunteering and talking to my perfered age group (those over the age of 65), I've learned this: I don't care how good you look now. We all get tired when we retire. We all get wrinkles. We all will die.

That means you can be that amazingly fit grandma but you are still not going to look like Amber Heard or Angelina Jolie when you are 70. No, no. Honey, even Arnold Swartzenger got wrinkles and had several fat phases.

What if your man gets a injury and can't really workout as hard as he like? What if he gains weight? Are you still going to say that you "love" him then?

Find someone that makes you happy. Not someone who just looks good. Beauty fades and personality remains.

It always makes me giggle when people ask me what I find attractive. I mean, yeah... I like guys that have really nice bodies but that isn't the one and only thing that I find attractive. Every guy I've ever liked has had great conversation skills. They've all been cocky but sweet. They all had great potential to be successful or more successful. Every guy I've like wasn't all that handsome, or all that fit or even all that in general. We can't limit ourselves to what is on our perfect mate checklist. We miss out on all the great people we could have met.

Ok ladies and gents. That's my rant for today.

Stay amazing.

Sass. Class. Truth.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Me vs. Jealous Girls

I always love seeing girls be crazy jealous. I've never been the type to care. Guys are just going to look at other girls. I mean, how can you not see things when they are right there in your line of vision? If he is checking her out, you best know that I'm checking her out too because I appreciate great makeup and great fashion taste. Plus, I always like to know, for sure, that I'm prettier than certain people (lol. Vain much?). Read this carefully, the man that I'm out with WILL NOT be leaving with anyone but me and if he does...he isn't worth any more of my time (Unless of course he is just my friend. In that case, I would be pushing him out he door with that girl). Can't women just be nice to other sexy women? Do you really think that low of yourself? Is it really that chick's fault that you don't look good? Is it really my fault if I look better (Tee hee)?

I love seeing girls act the complete opposite. I've been given dirty looks. I've been called names. I've been shoved. Hahaha. Why? I've never purposefully flirted with a man that has a girlfriend. Ok, I've maybe batted my eyelashes buuut it is just out of habit. I'm seriously just that nice to people. What? Because he is your man I can't be nice? Jut because he is with you, I can't say hi? What if he's my friend? I can't say hello? OH PLEASE! Move aside and let the adults talk because darling, you are such a child.

Seriously ladies, I'm not trying to "take your man" and I'm no "home-wrecker" because you'd have to be married for me to actually wreck your home. If I'm trying to take your man, you wouldn't even see it coming. Which, unfortunately, is probably why you are so suspicious in the first place but maybe you should be dating someone more your speed. JUUUUST saying!

Hya's back. And I'm only becoming more amazing. ;)

That is all.

Class. Sass. Truth.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I Guess It's Too Much Pressure to See Potential in People

I recently said, "I guess it's too much pressure to see potential in people."

I like to see the best in people. When I see the potential someone has I typically encourage it. However recently I learned that those actions can come off as pushy and offensive. Never in my life did I ever intend those things.

To those I've pressured: I've only wanted the best for you. I will never feel disappointed in your failures because everyone fails. If you tried and are embarrassed you failed, don't be. It just wasn't the right fit this time around. Keep trying. Keep learning. Keep being the person I know you can be.

Who I Want To Be & Who I Am

It took one look at what I was not and what I never wanted to be to bring who I am back from the depths of my brain.  Before I tell you who I am, let me discuss the story of the "one look" at the person I NEVER want to become.

So I'm on Facebook and I'm going through photos, profiles and posts that my Facebook friends have posted and somehow I get to this one girl's profile.  She's a friend of a handful of my friends but I've never personally met her.  It literally took me two seconds to look at this girl's profile and say that is the type of  woman I NEVER want to be. The word "PLASTIC" was the only thing that came into my head.

When I say plastic, I'm not talking about fake eyelashes, fake boobs, nips and tucks and blah...blah...blahh. All I saw from her profile was selfishness, arrogance and lack of any sign that she was a woman that I could ever respect but there was this girl that could have been me.  She lives in the same city, she's around my age, we share mutual friends, we're both healthy, we have similar cultures...  She looked cheap, fake and toxic.

"That is the type of woman I NEVER want to be," was the phrase that I said mentally to myself simply due to her profile picture and her cover photo.  What made us so different?

I am constantly working towards this image of who I WANT to be.
  • Kind
  • Honest
  • God-driven
  • Successful
  • Happy
  • a Leader
  • Poised
This girl didn't even seem to be ONE of those things.  She might have been happy but she wasn't smiling in her cover photo or her profile picture so who knows?  And yes, this girl had her own personal photo of herself as her cover photo.  If you happen to be one of those people and you aren't a Facebook "public figure" and/or neither of those photo's are professionally taken pictures...I highly suggest you change one of those photos because you look like a conceited person.  Even the outfits she wore made me think less of her.  She was scantily clothed and all I could think of was if one of my cousins, aunts, my mother or grandmother were to see that I posted that publicly...I'd be mortified.  The more I thought about this the more I was appalled.  I have younger people that see my Facebook.  I have people I respect on my Facebook.  I don't want them to see any of that!  Sure, I've had photo's of me in a bathing suit on Facebook.  I've also walked on a few stages with nothing but a bathing suit but that wasn't what showed through in those photos.  I showed through on those photos and I wasn't trying to be seductive...I was radiant.

When I saw this girl's profile and thought, "That is the type of person I NEVER want to be," I came to the realization that WHO I am had gotten lost in the process of being who I WANT to be.  

I am...
  • Crazy
  • Spontaneous
  • Dynamic
  • Energetic
  • Full of life
But who I was before I saw that girl's profile was a watered-down version of who I am.  With who I am comes an unbalance and that is why I controlled it but here's the thing...It shouldn't have to be something I need to manage.  I do quite well when I am, who I am and what I want to be.  It makes me...Hya.

I am that woman who likes to go out and have fun.  I do a lot of non-profit work.  I do great with children and they look up to me because I am a leader.  I'm a crazy leader who fumbles her words, speaks without sometimes thinking because I'm just trying to be honest.  When I speak I just have so much energy and confidence and I am full of life.  When who I am collides with who I want to be it is the only time I honestly feel happy and satisfied.

So that "one look" at that girl's profile sparked a respect who I am and who I expect myself to be.  It also helped me remember that the internet is a 24/7 way of showing people who you are.