Monday, January 25, 2016

1 John 2:19

They left us, but they were never really with us. If they had been, they would have stuck it out with us, loyal to the end. In leaving, they showed their true colors, showed they never did belong. (1 John 2:19 MSG)
I know the bible was talking about the Antichrist during this chapter but I believe that this can go for anyone who walks out of your life.  Is your ex the Antichrist?  Only God knows (Jokes!)...  But stick with me here!

We all have those people in our lives that we need to let go.  Toxic people.  They make us feel so negative or so low.  Sometimes these are the people that our in our inner circle, they are the people that are suppose to love us the most, they are suppose to be there for you and uplift you and make you the happiest...but they don't.  So, when that person leaves you or when you find the strength to leave--Let them go.  "They were never really with us.  If they had been, they would have stuck it out with us, loyal to the end."  When you make that decision to leave them in the past, for your own good, you should know "they showed their true colors, showed they never did belong" in your life.  You're in a far better place without them.  These vial people who pollute your life will only bring you down because they are much like the Antichrist.  They're false.  They don't have your best interests in mind.  They don't belong in your life and never did.  Have faith in the Lord and what he has waiting for you are people far better than those who walk out on you.

When people leave me, let me be rest assured that it is for the better.  Remind me Lord, that they were not meant for me.  That with You I have the strength to move forward and find better options.  That those who are truly meant to be in my life will find ways back to me time and time again.  That those people will always be loyal until the end.  I love You.  I trust You.  I have faith in You.  I will follow You all the days of my life.

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