Friday, January 15, 2016

My favorite verse

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. (1 Corinthians 16: 13-14)
This is my favorite verse.  It's one of the only things I've ever really considered getting as a tattoo.  It's the first verse I go to when I'm scared or unsure or lost.  Where this verse has been really effective has been with dating. 

I thought about this verse yesterday after reading a blog post link I saw that a friend posted on Facebook about dating someone who walks you home.  My first thoughts went to the guys I've dated in the past and my second thought went to this verse.  Let me just start off with, if by some odd chance a guy that I've dated or talked to or whatever reads this, HI!!!  I can't think of one guy that I've liked that I'm not on good terms with me today.  For that I feel blessed.

They have all walked me to my door, to my car, driven me home or told me to text them when I got home.  However, there were times after we were comfortable with one another that those things did stop.  I remember the moment I stopped liking this guy I was talking to.  He had a good career.  He had his own place.  He had a paid off car.  He was sweet.  He lived in Pacific Beach really close to the beach and the bars.  Because it was summer I had a hard time looking for parking that was close by his apartment so I parked about a mile away.  After our date and talking for a long time I called it a night.  He walked me out his door and stopped at the door frame tugging on my wrist, "No goodnight kiss?" I stopped and looked at him thinking, "Aren't you going to walk me to my car?"  I'm known for forgetting where I've parked and it was dark, I couldn't believe he really wasn't going to walk me out.  As I was walking to my car, clutching my pepper spray with dear life, I remember thinking, "Yeah.  I'm over him."  You see, my favorite works two ways.  "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love."  Those are all the things you should do.  The other way it works is, those are all the things you should see in a man.

The first time I saw this verse in reverse was when I had gone home with my entire family.  My oldest brother was stateside.  My whole family was getting together.  I had an amazing group of friends.  I was seeing this guy regularly.  I was so incredibly happy.  That year, my heart was so full.  But the guy I was seeing...his faith wasn't strong.  I'd even go as far as saying that he really didn't know God.  I remember asking my cousins for help.  I remember the long drive back home thinking about that verse.  It was something I tried to embody.  It was something that was really important to me.  It was something I wanted to see in the person I was dating.  He wasn't it.  And I remember the day I got back, I really wanted to see him and I really wanted to talk to him but I didn't.  Every day after that I saw him differently.  At the time I said it was because I didn't think I was a priority in his life.  These days I look back and realize we just weren't walking the same path.

The blog about dating a man who walks you home says, "Date someone who walks you home, not because you ask him to, or even expect him to, but because he chooses to. Because he chooses you. Date someone who walks you home."  I say date someone who walks with you, who prays with you, who prays for you, who believes in the same things as you not because you ask him to or even expect him to but because he chooses to.  Because he chooses you.  Date someone who does all these things. 

Thank You for Your word.  For Your comfort. For Your direction.  For every time I was scared and unsure and Your word comforted me.  For every time Your word has allowed me to choose the right decisions.  One day, I hope to find someone who walks with me. Someone who believes, is fearless and strong and does everything in love.  May I never stray too far from the path.  May I hold firm in my beliefs.  May I be fearless and be strong.  May I do everything in love.  For You are love.

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