Luke 10:27
He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Yesterday I talked about letting go and letting God's will take charge in my life. I think a big part of having a relationship with God is reading scripture, interpreting it and finding your own answers to your heartaches. There are so many answers in the Bible and it's a good way to understanding and finding God. It's a good way to grow as a spiritual person.
Heavenly Father,
I lift my heart to You with all that I am and all that I have with all my strength and all my mind because it is by You I have received everything in my life. I promise to keep Your word close to my heart and teach them to my children as my parents have done for me. I will proudly discuss my love for You and speak about Your love for me. I will do what is right and good with You in mind. I will love my neighbor and all my brothers and sisters who believe in You as I love myself. I will love even my enemies. I will not fear them for I know You are by my side. I will not love any other God but You. All the days of my life, I will relinquish myself to You so that Your will shall shine through me.
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