Monday, August 18, 2014

Low Points

This is just a little something I've learned recently about really low points in your life:

Things will be hard. You will have really low moments in your life. You will reach moments so low that you might even end up on your knees, crying, speaking to God and asking, "What should I be doing?!" (Oh wait...maybe that last one is only me) 

Just remember when you calm down enough:

Things will be better. You will be better. Time will pass and you will learn and grow. You will adjust, and settle, and adjust again. That is what LIFE is, I think. Finding ways through all of your heartaching mistakes, letdowns, faults and problems to that moment of clarity. Those moments when things just click. Those sighs of relief after you get good news after what feels like a marathon of sadness. Those overwhelming jolts of happiness when you have accomplished something. Those moments when you feel at peace. It's like being sore after a really good workout. It hurts to push through your whole workout and you are still really sore afterwards but there will be rewards far greater than the temporary pain! NEWSFLASH: pain is only temporary. Unfortubately, there will always be that new something, that new problem or problems that stretches your capacity far more. But you will learn to thrive. Sometimes you might have to let things go. You might just have to revel in the pain and learn. 

Learn to embrace those things that will always feel unfinished. Those things that you felt you couldn't fix. Those things you never got to do. Those things you wish you would have said or done. You just have to learn to accept it all. This is where you are in life right now. This is where you got yourself. Accept it. Learn from it. Embrace it.

You are on the edge of an unwritten portion of your life. Stand strong. You will survive. You will get through this. 

You will be happy. 

You will be happy. 

You WILL be happy.

And when it comes to living life filled with love "Be truthful, be gentle, and be fearless."


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